Personal Injury


Personal Injury Law

A Personal Injury is any physical or mental injury sustained as a result of someone’s negligence or harmful act. Personal Injury may sometimes be referred to as “Bodily Injury.”

Personal Injury accident victims are entitled to recover monetary damages for all losses and expenses sustained as the result of the accident. Depending upon your case, the situation, and its particular circumstances, damages may include any of the following: Lost Income; Medical Bills and Expenses; Pain & Suffering; Physical Disability; Disfigurement; and Emotional Trauma.

With about 20 million New York residents (more than 8 million in New York City alone) the possibility of injury is always there in the Empire State. While no one can go back in time and undo an injury, Othman Legal has significant experience in providing a way for the injured to be “made whole” again. Relief for injuries typically comes in the form of monetary compensation, or “damages.”

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